Temporary tattoos can be used on women going through breast reconstruction who are not yet ready for a permanent nipple reconstruction or areola pigmentation procedure.
As you may know, you cannot get permanent areola pigmentation until all of your procedures are completed. This is because the size and shape of the breast mound must be finalized before placement of a nipple or 3D nipple tattoo can be accurately determined. The reconstruction process can take years for many women, especially when breast revisions are needed.
They are also an option for those who do not plan areola reconstruction.
Many women stop short of fully completing the process because they are unsure of results of the procedure, of the tattoo process or have just had enough. Buds Transfers offers a simple alternative for these women so that they can experience a more completed look.
They can be used to plan placement for those considering or planning permanent areola tattoos.
Some women are nervous about getting a permanent tattoo and aren’t sure if they will like the end result. Buds Transfers make the decision for permanent tattooing easier.

Skin should be clean, dry and free of oils, lotions or hair. (use one of the alcohol swabs to clean)
Cut around the edge of the tattoo. This step is optional, but it helps when determining placement.
Remove the clear top sheet. Note: If you miss this step before wetting the paper backing, the tattoo will adhere to the clear sheet instead of your skin.
Determine desired placement before placing the tattoo face down on the skin. (make sure the shadow part of the tattoo transfer is at the bottom) Press firmly and it will stick to your skin. (Once you have pressed the tattoo onto your skin, do not remove it and re-apply because some of the colour may be pulled off. Wet the paper backing of the tattoo with a very wet cottonwood disc or facecloth, holding it over the tattoo for about 30 seconds.
Peel off the paper backing from the skin. If the tattoo is not yet ready to glide off easily, continue to hold a few seconds longer.
Pat it gently with the wet cloth.
Apply a light dusting of baby powder to help set and dry the tattoos before dressing.
Wear a camisole with coarse fabrics.
Wearing a coarse fabric such as linen will reduce their wear time. To reduce friction while wearing these types of fabric, layer a soft fabric underneath, such as camisole or bra.
Wear two layers while exercising.
Friction from your clothes will make the tattoo peel off. A camisole or bra may help to reduce friction during exercise.
Avoid harsh soaps and towel dry gently without rubbing.
Harsh soaps can also reduce wearing time. Use a mild soap and wash lightly. Do not rub the tattoo with a facecloth or towel.
Keep the tattoos powdered in humid weather.
The tattoos may feel tacky in very humid weather, and this can reduce wear time. Use extra powder in humid weather, especially before going to bed.
Caressing may reduce wearing time.